La moda e i suoi trends fanno parte di un ciclo continuo, dove ogni singolo oggetto o corrente conosce le sue stagioni di popolarità e di declino per poi riapparire successivamente in versioni rivisitate.
Poi ci sono gli oggetti che non passano mai, connotazioni di stile senza tempo che possono solo migliorare con l'invecchiamento.
en The fashion and its trends are part of a continuous cycle, where every single object or knows his current seasons of popularity and decline to reappear later in revised versions.
Then there are the items that never go out, connotations of timeless style that can only improve with age.
en The fashion and its trends are part of a continuous cycle, where every single object or knows his current seasons of popularity and decline to reappear later in revised versions.
Then there are the items that never go out, connotations of timeless style that can only improve with age.
Tra questi oggetti "immortali" un posto d'onore lo ricopre da sempre il cammeo, gioiello d'arte handmade per eccellenza che acquisisce raffinatezza in virtù del proprio materiale stratificato, il quale permette all’incisore di ottenere sfumature imprevedibili e di creare meravigliosi simboli di eleganza e romanticismo… è davvero Impressionante notare come anche un piccolo cammeo possa immediatamente aggiungere quel tocco di stile bon ton a qualsiasi look, e anche gli abbinamenti più audaci con l’aggiunta di questo monile possono risultare originali ed esclusivi.
en Among these objects "immortal" a place of honor has always played the cameo, handmade piece of art par excellence which acquires refinement under its layered material, which allows the engraver to get unpredictable nuances and create wonderful symbols of elegance and romance ... it's really impressive to note that even a small cameo can instantly add a touch of ladylike style to any look, and even the most daring combinations with the addition of this jewel may be original and exclusive.
en Among these objects "immortal" a place of honor has always played the cameo, handmade piece of art par excellence which acquires refinement under its layered material, which allows the engraver to get unpredictable nuances and create wonderful symbols of elegance and romance ... it's really impressive to note that even a small cameo can instantly add a touch of ladylike style to any look, and even the most daring combinations with the addition of this jewel may be original and exclusive.
Recentemente ho avuto l’opportunità di ammirare le opere di Domenico Balzano di Balzano Cammei, che con tecnica raffinata e una sapiente conoscenza dei materiali e delle lavorazioni tramandati dalla tradizione, insediata nel territorio napoletano e in particolare nella sua città madre, Torre del Greco, esprime la sua grande passione artistica nella creazione dei cammei.
en I recently had the opportunity to see the works of Domenico Balzano Balzano Cameos, that with refined technique and an expert knowledge of materials and workmanship handed down by tradition, situated in the Neapolitan territory, and in particular his mother city, Torre del Greco, expresses his great artistic passion in the creation of cameos.
en I recently had the opportunity to see the works of Domenico Balzano Balzano Cameos, that with refined technique and an expert knowledge of materials and workmanship handed down by tradition, situated in the Neapolitan territory, and in particular his mother city, Torre del Greco, expresses his great artistic passion in the creation of cameos.
Cammeo in sardonica Balzano Cammei |
Un mantra, “Passione e Tradizione” con il quale Balzano Cammei oggi foggia gioielli unici e irripetibili, in cui si fondono consuetudine e modernità.
Continua è la sperimentazione e la ricerca di modi inediti per interpretare il cammeo in chiave moderna, riuscendo a renderlo fresco e giovane, e a diventare addirittura un oggetto culto di ordine contemporaneo per donne ma anche per uomini che amano gli accessori che fanno la differenza.
en A mantra, "Passion and Tradition" with which Balzano Cameos today fashion jewelry unique and unrepeatable, which combine tradition and modernity.
Is continuous experimentation and research in new ways to play the cameo in a modern way, managing to make it fresh and young, and even become an object of worship order for contemporary women but also for men who love the accessories that make the difference.
en A mantra, "Passion and Tradition" with which Balzano Cameos today fashion jewelry unique and unrepeatable, which combine tradition and modernity.
Is continuous experimentation and research in new ways to play the cameo in a modern way, managing to make it fresh and young, and even become an object of worship order for contemporary women but also for men who love the accessories that make the difference.
Gemelli in argento e sardonica Balzano Cammei |
Questo fantastico gioiello diventa perfetto da indossare sia di giorno che di sera e dona a tutti noi un quid in più, un’aria sofisticata ed elegante, anche indossando una semplice tee shirt.
en This fantastic jewel becomes perfect to wear both day and evening, and gives us all a quid more, an air of sophistication and elegance, even when wearing a simple tee shirt.
en This fantastic jewel becomes perfect to wear both day and evening, and gives us all a quid more, an air of sophistication and elegance, even when wearing a simple tee shirt.
Bracciale in cuoio con cammeo in sardonica e zirconia Balzano Cammei |
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